
Grants and Program-Related Investments Snapshot

Grants and Program-Related Investments by Year

ECMC Foundation has given or invested a total of $334.9 million since inception. 

2023 Grants and Program-Related Investments by Category

In 2023, ECMC Foundation invested a total of $56.8 million.


# of Grants and/or Investments

Amount Funded

Strategically Responsive
(Emerging Themes ($13.7M), New Models ($12.2M), Enhancing Data ($2.3M) and Media Strategy ($1.1M))



(Basic Needs, CTE Leadership Collaborative, Men of Color, Single Mother Student Success and Transfer and Credit Mobility)



Education Innovation Ventures
(Grants and PRIs)



GO! Program



(ECMC Group, Leadership Discretionary, Directors Discretionary and Staff Discretionary)






2023 Grantees and Investees

Basic Needs Initiative Grantees

Amount Funded

Council on Postsecondary Education


Ithaka Harbors, Inc.


National Student Legal Defense Network


National Skills Coalition


College Housing Northwest


Howard University


University of California, Irvine


Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles


Mile 2 Consulting, LLC


CTE Leadership Collaborative Initiative Grantees

Amount Funded

Jobs for the Future


Institute for Citizens & Scholars


Men of Color Initiative Grantees

Amount Funded



California State University Dominguez Philanthropic Foundation


Roadtrip Nation, part of Strada Collaborative


The University of Texas at Austin


CUNY Black Male Initiative Program


Achieving the Dream


Improve Your Tomorrow, Inc.


University of Southern California Race and Equity Center


The University of Texas at Austin


Single Mother Student Success Initiative Grantees

Amount Funded

California Competes


New America


Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University


Achieving the Dream


Interfaith Community Services


Association of Community College Trustees


The Urban Institute


The Aspen Institute


Transfer and Credit Mobility Initiative Grantees

Amount Funded

Open Syllabus, Inc.


Public Agenda, Inc.


Texas Community College Education Initiative


Strategically Responsive Grantees

Amount Funded

SeaChange Capital Partners


Excelencia in Education



Bottom Line


Reach University


One Million Degrees


Let's Get Ready


The ASME Foundation, Inc.


Collegiate Edu-Nation


University of Houston Downtown


Achieving the Dream


Women Employed


Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.


The Urban Institute




State Higher Education Executive Officers Association


Sinclair Community College


Institute for Evidence-Based Change


Business-Higher Education Forum


Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, Inc.


The Regents of the University of California, Davis


Campaign for College Opportunity


Association for Career and Technical Education


College Promise


Ithaka Harbors, Inc.


Institute for Citizens & Scholars


Campus Compact


The Center to Advance CTE


ACT, Inc.


Alabama Possible


National Association of Higher Education Systems


Futuro Health


Hispanics in Philanthropy


Jewish Vocational Service, Inc.


James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.


University of Cincinnati


National Association of Higher Education Systems




Education Commission of the States


National Public Radio


Postsecondary National Policy Institute


Future Link, Inc.


Open Campus Media, Inc.


Robin Merger Corporation, Inc.


EdSource, Inc.


Texas Tribune, Inc


The Hechinger Report


CCF Community Initiatives Fund


Apprenticeships for America


California State University Northridge Foundation


Skillpointe Foundation, Inc.


Maine Community Foundation, Inc.


Los Angeles City College Foundation




The University Innovation Alliance


Sinclair Community College


Education Innovation Ventures Grantees and Investees

Amount Funded

JFF Ventures


Pursuit Transformation Benefit Corporation, Inc.




Better Future Forward, Inc.


Julius Education


Gladeo, Inc.


LivedX, Inc.






Better Future Forward, Inc.


Escalate USA, Inc.


STTE Foundation
